Simulations Revealing the Physics of LBV outbursts published as the cover of Nature
Luminous blue variables are massive, evolved stars that exhibit large variations in luminosity and size on timescales from months to...

Two Projects Selected in 2017 Science Highlight for the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility
In the past two years, I lead two INCITE projects to use the Mira supercomputer supported by DOE in ALCF to carry out radiation MHD...

Detection of Time Lags Between Quasar Continuum Emission Bands Based on Pan-STARRS Light-curves
We study the time lags between the continuum emission of quasars at different wavelengths, based on more than four years of multi-band...

Stream-Stream Collisions of Tidal Disruption Events
Stream-stream collisions play an important role for the circularization of highly eccentric streams resulting from tidal disruption...

Thermal Stability of Radiation Pressure Dominated Accretion Disks
The inner region of black hole accretion disks is expected to be radiation pressure dominated whenever the accretion rate is above a few...

Local Radiation Hydrodynamic Simulations of Massive Star Envelopes
In this project, we carry out three dimensional radiation hydrodynamic simulations to study the structures of massive star envelope...

Global Radiation MHD Simulations of Black Hole Accretion Disks
The goal of this project is to study the structures of black hole accretion disks with various accretion rates (from sub-Eddington to...

Two New Algorithms for Radiation (Magneto-)Hydrodynamics Based on Solving the Specific Intensity Dir
I have two different radiative transfer algorithms solving the radiation magneto-hydrodynamic equations self-consistently. Both methods...

Low-mass Black Holes and Their Host Galaxies
In this project, we systematically study the structures and scaling relations of 147 host galaxies of low-mass black holes (BHs) based on...

Star Formation in a Quasar Disk
Using a version of the ZEUS code, we carry out two-dimensional simulations of self-gravitating shearing sheets, with application to QSO...